Leasing Operations

Anyone Home Helps TGM Expand Data Efficiencies – Case Study

Anyone Home
February 28, 2023

Data is a significant driver in the multifamily industry. Data influences numerous decisions that guide the direction of the company, including sales, budgeting, and marketing, among others. Because of its importance, the reliability, accuracy and timeliness of the data are absolutely essential. Otherwise, it’s rendered completely useless, if not detrimental, to a company’s course of action.

TGM Properties logo

Property management firm TGM Communities (“TGM”) found marketing decision-making for its multifamily properties required that their data collection capabilities keep momentum with company growth. In order to meet these needs, TGM’s team began a journey in 2017 to adopt a system that would fulfill its information requirements to the level the company required. What began as a partnership with Anyone Home to expand their lead data capabilities has grown into a partnership leading TGM towards a more centralized leasing system.

Challenge: Inaccurate and Stale Data

TGM oversees over 10,000 units at 27 properties east of the Mississippi River, including Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio and Virginia. With the differences in communities in such a wide-ranging area of the United States, the need for real-time and accurate data is required for optimal operations and NOI.

TGM’s previous CRM system did not integrate as seamlessly as desired with its PMS and frequently supplied contrary data for the same property. This was a concern for TGM, which required higher accuracy that allowed the company to continue producing sound marketing decisions.

“It also became increasingly difficult to access data as we grew,” said Alana Wagner, Operations Coordinator for TGM. The reporting tools of TGM’s old CRM were limiting and mining data became unnecessarily time consuming. Data queries required the involvement of the CRM’s support team with requests taking days to fulfill, rendering the data unactionable because it was stale.

Realizing that their continued success and growth demanded an adjustment to their data collection, TGM’s team began the search for a CRM system that fit better with the company’s current and future goals.

Solution: A CRM That Offered the Correct Data and More

TGM’s COO Zachary Goldman was familiar with Anyone Home and what the company offered, so a meeting was arranged in 2017 to see if the CRM and contact provider could help TGM realize its informational goals. The property management firm was impressed from the moment of that initial meeting.

“We were really attracted to the way they were approaching data, and the way they could dissect the information, and the seamless nature of the reporting system,” Wagner explained. “Their platform allows you to look at the data in so many different ways, and examine it at the property, regional and portfolio levels.”

With frequent changes to the multifamily landscape necessitating a need for a greater amount and wider range of data, TGM found that their data growth was symbiotic with that of Anyone Home, further strengthening their partnership.

“The quality and degree of the data we capture has evolved over time which is very much in line with how Anyone Home has evolved,” Wagner added. “We’ve adopted many of the products they now offer. With access to newer features and products, we are able to gather more useful information in a quicker and more confident fashion.”

TGM utilizes Anyone Home to collect and analyze information on lead attribution, lead life cycle, location and time monitoring of traffic, as well as the sources and types of inquiries. With such success on the data side, it was a natural progression for TGM to turn to Anyone Home for the implementation of call center assistance. As the pandemic began to impact TGM and the multifamily industry as whole, the company found that Anyone Home’s call service was helpful with both after-hours call and overflow call services. In 2021, Anyone Home’s contact center handled over 4,000 guest cards.

Anyone Home's Contact Center

Result: Robust Data, Improved Operations and a Path to Centralization

Wagner said that Anyone Home continues to assist TGM with expanding their use of data and their technological future. These future plans include optimization of their leasing operations by shifting to a centralized system, something TGM has already initiated and intends to further pursue.

“Beyond data and the call center, Anyone Home has aided in discussions regarding the direction of centralized leasing and how we can be more efficient in the critical functions of leasing automation,” Wagner said.

At the moment, TGM is utilizing Anyone Home to strengthen and understand all facets of their prospective renter journey and make on-the-go adjustments for the best results. Data on the leasing teams’ performances identifies areas where changes are needed, in addition to discovering their top performers to optimize teams and select trainers.

“I think the ability to track performance in real-time has been meaningful to us in tailoring our operations,” Wagner explained. “It’s very important in our day-to-day leasing operations, and it’s become more important as time has gone on.”

Introducing new technologies can be a challenge for any company, especially when it comes to acceptance by their teams and the ensuing training. TGM’s passionate, proactive teams were at the ready. In 2021, Anyone Home showed that TGM users of the system had a managed leads rate of over 99% and completed over half a million tasks with a completion rate of more than 80%.

“Employees were very welcoming of the Anyone Home system, which was helpful since change management can be difficult,” Wagner added. “We had complete buy-in from the team, allowing us to truly innovate the leasing experience. This support allows onsite team members to remain focused in a busy leasing office while confidently knowing phone leads are not going unanswered.”

Anyone Home also helps TGM target areas where their advertising dollars are most effective by showing the number of leads generated by ad source, allowing TGM to more seamlessly monetize lead performance. Wagner said it’s highly beneficial for making sound marketing decisions. Furthering TGM’s centralization efforts, TGM is exploring other product features including the addition of chat.

“All of this is part of a quest to not just bring efficiency to TGM, but to bring a better experience to potential residents,” Wagner explained. “Anyone Home and its technology has facilitated a more seamless TGM renter experience.”

More than anything, Wagner added, TGM is greatly appreciative of the business relationship the two companies have built and the reliable support of Anyone Home. TGM is able to bring issues and needs to Anyone Home’s support team, who are quick to understand any technical issue TGM is facing regardless of who is explaining it.

“When we take on a new partnership we really do look at it as a partnership and not a vendor relationship,” Wagner said. “Anyone Home has truly been a partner to TGM and that’s something we appreciate. It really is meaningful to us.”

If you’re interested in leasing smarter with Anyone Home, BOOK A DEMO to learn more. 

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